Stu, the A.I. Robot

Stu, the A.I. Robot

Version b 1.0.0

This web page is for debugging Stu, the A.I. Robot's AI / AIML code. Stu was inspired by on Leaf the A. I. Robot. Thanks Dr. Bruce, Alex, and Robin. :)

Stu is designed to be a male heterosexual college "Student" who is studying robotics at the California Institute of Robotics. He has a mother and a father and lives in Riverside, CA. (Get it? He is Stu, the Student!) All of his responses should be something a college student might say. He should respond like a real person. Grammar counts, but spelling does not. He was derived from a female chatbot named Alice. Great efforts were made to remove all of Alice's traits, but some may remain and those would be bugs too.

This AI will be part of a physical humanoid robot also called Stu.

 All bugs should be sent to:

Bug Tracking

Existing Bugs: 3

Resolved Bugs: 0

Bug Details

1. "what time is it" should only give the time

2. "who is your father" should be "Thomas"

3. "you idiot" has no response.